Smoked BBQ Ribs
I wanted to try a recipe for Smoked BBQ Ribs and they were just as amazing!
Last summer I made Smoked Jerk Ribs with Caribbean Rum Sauce using the 3-2-1 smoking method on my Traeger pellet grill.
They still make me drool a little when I think about them.

How to make Smoked BBQ Ribs
This rib recipe is very simple with very few ingredients, which is always a bonus.
Cut a rack of ribs in half, pat with paper towels, and season with your favorite BBQ seasoning on all sides.
Cutting the rack in half will come in handy later when we wrap them in foil… stay tuned.

Into a smoker or pellet grill set to 225 degrees they go for 3 hours. This is the first part of the “3”-2-1 cooking method 😉

Now for the 2 part of the 3 -“2”-1…wrapping them in foil.
Now you have a choice here about adding a Tablespoon of water or beer.
The liquid will steam the rib meat making it fall off the bone tender.
I asked the husband which we should use, water or beer?
And he gave me a look as if to say “Duh…beer!”
Also, a helpful hint is to find a foil wrapping buddy.
It makes it a bit easier with two people helping 🙂

The foil packets will go back into the smoker for another 2 hours.

The last part of the 3-2-1 method is unwrapping them from the foil, putting them back in the smoker and brushing them with BBQ sauce for 1 more hour.

Smoked BBQ Ribs using this method makes the most tender and flavorful ribs I have ever tried!


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We also made these ribs with Smoked Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos!

You may also want to try BBQ Pulled Pork on the smoker too!

Smoked Caramelized Onion and Bacon Flatbreads

Smoked Caribbean Jerk Chicken Thighs

Pomegranate Molasses BBQ Ribs



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Smoked BBQ Ribs
Smoked ribs using the 3-2-1 cooking method
- 1 full rack pork ribs (approx. 3 pounds)
- BBQ seasoning
- 2 Tbsps water or beer
- 1 cup BBQ sauce
Cut the ribs in half, pat dry with a paper towel, and season all sides with BBQ seasoning.
Place the ribs in a smoker set to 225 degrees for 3 hours.
Wrap each rib half in foil and add 1 Tbsp water or beer to each foil packet. Place the foil wrapped ribs back into the smoker for 2 more hours.
Unwrap the ribs, place back on the smoker for 1 more hour, brushing with the BBQ sauce periodically.
Serve with the remaining BBQ sauce on the side.
My new cookbook is now available, check it out HERE!

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